Doggy Daycare

Pet Motel and Salon’s doggy daycare offering is different from the standard of most doggy daycare facilities. Our concept is exclusively an individualized-care option.

While many dogs are social and appreciate group settings with other dogs for intense periods of time, we cater exclusively to dogs requiring individualized care. Dogs staying for daycare will enjoy a structured day of outdoor yard time and indoor playtime, but we do not offer a group play environment. Many dogs do not respond well to intense group interactions (up to 30 dogs or more in some cases) which can be stressful and exhausting.

If you’re away at work, spending a day away from home, or just want a break from doggy duties, consider Pet Motel and Salon as the perfectly structured venue for your pet!

Doggy Daycare Rate


Daycare Hours

Monday-Friday 8-5:30
Saturday 9-11, 2-4